Thursday, January 05, 2006

To Tide You Over

I've been working so much that i haven't had a chance to sketch up anything new(hopefully this weekend) but i thought i'd post some older work. Thanks for stoping by!!!


the clownninja said...

nice work dude, thanks for stoppin' by, i'ma throw you on the link list. the animation frames are dope, i wanna see 'em move..

Kipp Schell said...

wow. this is some really nice stuff! keep it up

rngnt99 said...

Hey guys thanks for stopping by and the nice comments!!! hey simon thanks for the linkage!!! I hope to have some new stuff up soon.

Mark McDonnell said...

Man, love the Goat-tee and Sidebuns man. Great sketches.


Urban Barbarian said...

That top design is off the hook! Great design!